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Corporate Transparency Act: Compliance for Community Associations

May 15, 2024

The Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) is a critical regulation with substantial implications for community associations, including homeowners associations (HOAs). It is a federal law enacted in the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021 that applies across all U.S. states. As such, it significantly impacts insurance for community associations.

The CTA was enacted to combat illicit activities such as money laundering and fraud. It requires more transparency about beneficial ownership, which simply means disclosing the individuals who ultimately own or control a legal entity. This article will look at how HOAs can navigate these new expectations, the risks of non-compliance, and the critical role of community association insurance in mitigating these risks.

What You Will Learn

  • Understanding the CTA for Community Associations
  • The Importance of Compliance
  • Implications for Community Associations’ Insurance
  • Insurance for Community Associations as a Compliance Strategy
  • Practical Steps for Associations to Ensure CTA Compliance
  • Final Thoughts


Understanding the CTA for Community Associations


The Corporate Transparency Act mandates that reporting entities, including the majority of community associations, submit beneficial ownership details to the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN). FinCEN, a bureau of the Treasury Department, is tasked with gathering and scrutinizing financial data. This rule is applicable to HOAs, which oversee residential communities and levy fees on homeowners for services and amenities.

CTA Disclosure Requirements and Exemptions  

Under the CTA, community associations must provide identifying information about their beneficial owners, including names, birthdates, addresses, and unique identification numbers from acceptable documents. The law aims to create a database for authorities to use for tracking illicit financial activities.

The CTA requires reporting with some exemptions, while IRC Section 528 provides tax benefits. For example, compliant community associations may be eligible for deductions or credits. Community associations must understand and comply with these laws and seek professional advice.

The Importance of Compliance


Due to its broad definitions, non-compliance with the CTA can result in severe legal and financial repercussions, including substantial fines and potential criminal charges like money laundering or fraud, which can lead to imprisonment. The CTA applies to unincorporated associations and various nonprofit statuses.

Compliance goes beyond reporting; associations must ensure accurate, timely submissions to avoid penalties, which includes updating ownership information, meeting deadlines, and addressing errors promptly. Community associations must prioritize CTA compliance.

Implications for Community Associations’ Insurance


CTA compliance directly impacts community associations' insurance needs. As regulatory scrutiny increases, associations may face heightened risks, necessitating reevaluating their liability coverage.

Directors and officers (D&O) insurance, which protects board members from personal losses due to decisions made on behalf of the association, becomes even more critical under these regulations. Non-compliance with the CTA could lead to lawsuits or claims against the association and its directors, increasing the necessity for robust D&O coverage.

Additionally, as community associations manage sensitive information, cyber liability insurance becomes increasingly important. This coverage helps cover the costs associated with a data breach or mishandling of beneficial ownership information, including legal fees, public relations efforts, and other costs.

Insurance for Community Associations as a Compliance Strategy

Insurance can play a strategic role in managing the risks associated with CTA compliance. Comprehensive insurance coverage helps community associations mitigate potential financial losses resulting from non-compliance. Key policies to consider include:

  • Directors and officers insurance: Essential for protecting board members against personal liability
  • Cyber liability insurance: Crucial for safeguarding against breaches and ensuring data protection
  • General liability insurance: Protects against multiple risks associated with the association's operations

Insurance for community associations can offer financial security and peace of mind, allowing associations to focus on their primary responsibilities while ensuring compliance with the CTA.

Practical Steps for Associations to Ensure CTA Compliance


To prepare for CTA compliance, community associations should:

  1. Review and understand the requirements: Familiarize all who need to know with the CTA's reporting obligations and deadlines.
  2. Compile necessary documentation: Gather accurate beneficial ownership information and maintain it meticulously.
  3. Develop a compliance plan: Establish procedures for ongoing compliance, including regular updates and submissions to FinCEN. Doing this could involve designating a specific person or team responsible for maintaining and updating beneficial ownership information, setting up regular reminders for reporting deadlines, and conducting periodic reviews of the association's compliance status.

At Sahouri, we understand CTA complexities and their implications for community associations. Our professionals are well-versed in managing CTA compliance issues and will consult with you to ensure your strategies align with compliance needs. In cooperation with your legal advisors, we can provide the guidance and support you need to navigate the complexities of the CTA, helping you understand the requirements, develop a compliance plan, and secure insurance coverage.

Ensuring compliance with the CTA is crucial for community associations' continued operational success. By integrating comprehensive insurance coverage into their compliance strategy, associations can protect themselves against non-compliance risks and confidently navigate the regulatory landscape.

Final Thoughts


The Corporate Transparency Act poses new challenges and responsibilities for community associations. The law is an opportunity to demonstrate their commitment to transparency and accountability. By understanding the requirements, seeking professional advice, and securing appropriate community association insurance coverage, these organizations can effectively manage their risks and enhance their reputations.

Sahouri Insurance is well-qualified and ready to provide guidance and support based on the needs of your association. We are here to advocate for you and assist you in implementing effective compliance strategies within your association's operations. Contact us today!

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